Friday, May 6, 2011


Everyone has talents of some description.  Some are never applied, some are never developed and in unfortunate situations some are never even discovered.  It’s the special something in everyone of us.  Art, sport, cooking, dressmaking, music, we all have a niche, all different and it is up to us to find it and apply it.  Chase, Embrace, Enhance and Develop it is your responsibility to yourself.
As a performer there is a requirement:   talent:  something that can be  developed. 

If you are tone deaf it will be impossible to be a great singer, fact!
Initial stages of development, you’ve got to hear the note before you can pitch it to sing it!  You have to be able to understand the fundamentals of reaching for that note and the physical mechanics that will allow you to do what you have to with that note.  If you want to be a singer you need to have vocal ability.  You don’t have to be Celine Dion but there needs to be some ability to start with otherwise there is nothing to work with.
Step 2, if you discover that you can sing, is to locate and engage a reputable singing coach that will assist in the ongoing development of your vocal ability.  The voice is an onboard instrument, a valuable tool of the performance trade so you need to develop it without destroying it.  A good vocal coach will teach you how to maintain your instrument throughout it’s development.  It’s what you have for life so make sure to treat it right in the initial stages of development.
Listed are a few of the aspects a vocal coach will guide you through.  As you can see it is much more than just opening your mouth and singing.
  • Correct Breathing and Mouth Positioning
  • Vowel Exercises: The Key to Developing Vocal Control
  • How To Find Your Vocal Range
  • Exercises for Extending Your Vocal Range
  • “Chest Voice”
  • “Head Voice”
  • Ways To Interpret a Melody and Make the Lyrics    Come Alive
  • Vocal Maintainence: Taking Care of Your Voice
Your health and well being are an essential part of vocal development and impact directly on the voice.  Revive to Survive Vocally.
Hydration is at the top of the list in voice care.  I encourage a consumption of 2-3 litres of water per day.  Water consumed can only be effective to the vocal folds and vocal tract through absorption via the digestive tract.  This process takes 15-20 minutes so it’s advantageous to consume water prior rather than during a gig.
Vocal Tips:     Many professional singers use Black Currant Pastilles 24 hours before their performance.       Avoid anything with mint or menthol in it.    Throat Coat® Tea, designed specifically for voice professionals, is better than Pastilles. The tea contains licorice root, which is widely used to enhance throat and upper respiratory tract health.      Any beverage that affects your stomachs acid level, like caffeine, will also affect your vocal cords. Caffeine is a mild diuretic and dries the throat and vocal cords. Coffee, including decaf, due to its natural oils causes acidic results that cause vocal damage. This includes chocolate. If you suffer from acid reflux disease, you need to take extra care of your voice since acid reflux causes permanent damage to vocal cords. Sodas also cause acid reflux and damages vocal cords.
read more at     ……………….…/voice_care_for_coaches_and_speakers.html   to get a few tips then source a local coach for guided tuition
Hope you get a little something out of this blog. Have a great day and please leave a comment.

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